Pratap Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan

Full-Stack Mobile App Development with Cloud Deployment Certification

This comprehensive 6-month program equips you with the skills to become a full-stack mobile app developer, capable of building and deploying cross-platform mobile applications with server-side functionality. Delivered over a 12-week period (2 hours daily, 5 days per week), the course offers a curriculum that blends theory, coding exercises, real-world project development, and app store deployment.

Master Full-Stack Mobile App Development with Cloud Deployment Certification, leveraging cutting-edge technology for unparalleled expertise.

  • Level : Beginner
  • Flexible schedule
  • Trainer from MNC’s




Apr-May 2024


1st July 2024


15th July 2024




6 months of immersive Live lectures

Learn from top-tier, industry-leading technology experts.

Earn your certification from the prestigious Indian Institute of Code Network and Security (IICNS).

Acquire proficiency in essential tools like Node.js, React Native,IntelliJ IDEA, ,Android Studio, Flutter, and Xcode, tailored for Full Stack Mobile Developer training within the curriculum.


  • Master creating mobile apps for iOS, Android, or cross-platform environments.

  • Learn to build both client-side and server-side components of mobile apps.

  • Understand how to integrate cloud services for storage, authentication, and notifications.

  • Acquire techniques for testing, debugging, and deploying mobile apps efficiently.


  • Week 1-2:
    • Introduction to Mobile App Development: Understand native vs. cross-platform app development, advantages of React Native and Flutter.
    • Introduction to User Interface (UI) Design: Learn core UI design principles for mobile apps.
  • Week 3-4:
    • Choosing the right framework: In-depth exploration of React Native and Flutter frameworks, their strengths, weaknesses, and use cases. Hands-on labs with setting up development environments for both frameworks.
  • Week 5-6:
    • Introduction to React Native: Learn core concepts of React Native, components, props, state management (Redux – optional), building user interfaces with JSX. Hands-on labs building basic React Native apps.
  • Week 7-8:
    • Advanced React Native Development: Working with APIs, user interactions, navigation (React Navigation), asynchronous operations. Hands-on labs building interactive React Native applications with API integration and user authentication.
  • Week 9-10:
    • Introduction to Flutter: Learn the fundamentals of Flutter, widgets, state management (Provider – optional), building user interfaces with Dart language. Hands-on labs building basic Flutter applications.
  • Week 11-12:
    • Advanced Flutter Development: Working with APIs, user interactions, navigation (Flutter Navigator), asynchronous operations. Hands-on labs building interactive Flutter applications with API integration and user authentication.
  • Week 13-14:
    • Introduction to NodeJS & JavaScript: Learn the basics of NodeJS, asynchronous programming, and building server-side applications with Express.js. Hands-on labs with creating simple NodeJS servers and APIs.
  • Week 15-16:
    • Building APIs with NodeJS and Express: Building RESTful APIs, handling user requests, data validation, and error handling. Hands-on labs creating CRUD APIs with user authentication (e.g., JWT).
  • Week 17-18:
    • Introduction to Databases: Learn the core concepts of relational databases (SQL) and NoSQL databases (MongoDB). Hands-on labs with querying a sample relational database (MySQL/PostgreSQL).
  • Week 19-20:
    • Introduction to MongoDB: Learn the basics of MongoDB, document data model, CRUD operations using Mongoose ODM library. Hands-on labs building applications using MongoDB and Mongoose.
  • Week 21-22:
    • Introduction to Cloud Computing: Understand cloud concepts (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS), major cloud providers (AWS, Azure, GCP). Hands-on labs setting up cloud accounts and exploring basic services.
  • Week 23-24:
    • Cloud Deployment Basics: Learn deployment strategies for mobile applications on cloud platforms. Understanding Infrastructure as Code (IaC) concepts. Hands-on labs deploying a simple mobile app backend to a cloud platform.
  • Week 25-26: 
    • Introduction to DNS Systems: Learn the basics of Domain Name System (DNS), resolving domain names to IP addresses.
    • Introduction to Docker: Understand containerization concepts, building Docker images, container management with Docker Compose. Hands-on labs building Docker images for your application backend.
  • Week 27-28: 
    • Introduction to Kubernetes: Understand Kubernetes basics, concepts of pods, deployments, services, and managing containerized applications at scale. (Optional: Hands-on labs with deploying the backend to a managed Kubernetes service on a cloud platform – complexity might necessitate skipping this due to time constraints).


Develop the skills to design and build mobile applications for various platforms, including iOS, Android, or cross-platform environments.

Acquire proficiency in both front-end and back-end development, enabling you to create robust and functional mobile apps from end to end.

Understand how to integrate cloud services into mobile applications, including storage, authentication, and notifications, enhancing scalability and performance.

Learn techniques for testing, debugging, and deploying mobile apps efficiently, ensuring functionality, security, and user satisfaction.

Discover how professionals at leading companies are honing sought-after skills.

Earn a career certificate

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Asked Question

What is Full-Stack Mobile Development?2024-05-14T18:04:54+05:30

Full-Stack Mobile Development is a comprehensive approach to mobile app development that covers both the front-end (client-side) and back-end (server-side) aspects of building mobile applications. It involves designing, developing, and deploying mobile apps for various platforms, such as iOS and Android, using a combination of programming languages, frameworks, and tools.

What is the duration of the Full-Stack Mobile Development course?2024-05-14T18:05:21+05:30

The duration of the Full-Stack Mobile Development course is typically 6 months. This timeframe allows participants to immerse themselves in a comprehensive curriculum covering various mobile development technologies, frameworks, and best practices. By dedicating six months to the course, participants can gain proficiency in building full-stack mobile applications while having ample time for hands-on practice and project work.

What are the prerequisites for enrolling in the Full-Stack Mobile Development course?2024-05-14T18:05:47+05:30

While specific prerequisites may vary depending on the course and institution, a basic understanding of programming fundamentals, knowledge of mobile platforms (iOS or Android), familiarity with development environments (such as Xcode or Android Studio), and experience with web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) are often beneficial.

What topics are covered in the curriculum of the Full-Stack Mobile Development course?2024-05-14T18:06:15+05:30

The course curriculum typically covers a wide range of topics, including mobile app development frameworks (such as React Native, Flutter), front-end development (UI/UX design, native components, responsive design), back-end development (API integration, server-side logic, databases), mobile security, testing, and deployment strategies.

What career opportunities are available after completing the Full-Stack Mobile Development course?2024-05-14T18:06:41+05:30

Graduates of the course can pursue various career opportunities in the rapidly growing field of mobile app development. These may include roles such as mobile app developer, full-stack developer, iOS developer, Android developer, mobile development consultant, and mobile development team lead.

Is practical experience provided in the Full-Stack Mobile Development course?2024-05-14T18:07:13+05:30

Yes, practical experience is a crucial component of the course curriculum. Participants can expect to work on hands-on projects, build real-world mobile applications, and collaborate with peers to gain practical experience in designing, developing, and deploying full-stack mobile solutions.

Are there any industry-recognized certifications associated with the course?2024-05-14T18:07:55+05:30

Upon successful completion of the course, participants may have the opportunity to earn industry-recognized certifications related to mobile app development frameworks (such as React Native or Flutter) or specific mobile platforms (iOS or Android). These certifications can enhance career prospects and validate skills to potential employers.

Can the Full-Stack Mobile Development course be pursued online or through distance learning?2024-05-14T18:08:21+05:30

Yes, many institutions offer the course online or through distance learning to accommodate the needs of working professionals or students who cannot attend traditional on-campus classes. Online courses provide flexibility in terms of scheduling and allow participants to learn at their own pace.

What support and resources are available to participants during the course?2024-05-14T18:08:48+05:30

Participants enrolled in the course typically have access to a range of resources, including course materials, online lectures, practical labs, discussion forums, mentorship, and technical support. Additionally, some institutions may offer career services to assist participants with job placement and networking opportunities.

How can I assess the quality and credibility of the Full-Stack Mobile Development course and institution?2024-05-14T18:09:20+05:30

When evaluating the course and institution, consider factors such as accreditation, faculty expertise, course curriculum, industry partnerships, alumni success stories, participant reviews, and job placement rates. Choose a reputable institution with a track record of delivering high-quality education and preparing participants for successful careers in mobile development.

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